Local Do Good: The Refugee Project
Posted on by Keara Donick
Doing good locally and globally is an essential part of Proof. We recently partnered with Barber Town Eye Care, Eagle Vision One and the English Language Center of Boise to help elderly refugees in our community see things a little more clearly.
With uncorrected vision, these refugees have had a hard time learning English, which is essential to their independence in our country. The Idaho Lions Foundation conducted initial exams and passed along the individuals who needed further exams and possibly prescriptions. Barber Town and Eagle Vision donated their time and resources to conduct the full eye exams, and we were fortunate enough to equip 20 refugees with brand new prescription frames. The first round of this project wrapped up on November 14th, when we were able to deliver those 20 individuals their new glasses - tears and hugs were abundant that day.
We are so fortunate to work with the local partners who made this project possible, and send our sincerest thanks to them. We’re not stopping here - we look forward to continuing this project and giving the gift of sight in our community.