Featured Partner: NW Hills Eye Center

Posted on by Andy Hunt

We have two excellent doctors and an incredible staff! We provide all the eyecare you need for you and your family with professionalism and a touch of old fashioned customer service. We make you feel at home here and consider you more than just our patient!  

1. How long have you been in business?

Well lets just say it's not our first rodeo, we have been in busy for 15 years.

2. Number of locations?

We have one location in Austin, Texas.

3. Give us a quick history about your store.

Our doctor is always dedicated to helping people and giving back to the community. With her unique abilities she wanted to branch on her own and open a place that displayed her caring and loving spirit.

4. Give us one mind blowing fact about your shop.

Our shop has a bakery hidden in the middle of it. We are still trying to install a secret trap door so we can get the goods.

5. What are your most popular items?

It would be our fabulous eyewear collections.

6. Where can we find you on your lunch break?

We are open on all our lunch breaks. 

7. What song best describes your shop?

Journey - "Don't Stop Believing", but really any Journey song.

8. Who’s your employee of the month? Why?

That is a hard question, because we have a small staff of nine so we collectively work together to create a well working environment.

9. What’s your spirit animal?

It would have be a mixture of different animals, like we have the gentleness of a small house cat, sometimes the intensity of a mountain lion, but the heart of a panda.

10. Why is Proof a good fit in your store?

First of all it's a unique product that fits our unique patients. Also, we love supporting a brand that is independent and has great customer service.


Follow NW Hills Eye Center:

Shop Address: 3808 Spicewood Springs Rd. Ste. 10  Austin, Tx, 78759

Instagram: @nwhillseyecare
Pinterest: Nwhills Eyecare
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