Unlock Hope Giveaway

Posted on by Vierra Reid

About Unlock Hope

In Uganda, young girls aren't given the same chances as boys.  

Without access to education they often marry young, have large families that they are unable to care for, and are forced to work difficult jobs for very little pay.  We believe educating these girls is the first step in ending a seemingly never ending cycle of poverty in Africa.  

To unlock something means to make something previously in-accessible available for use. Hope is defined as a desire of good accompanied with a belief that it is obtainable. To a young refugee in Uganda hope is an education.

Help us Unlock Hope in their lives for a better future.

We have partnered with Think Humanity, an organization that runs a hostel in Hoima, Uganda for young refugee girls from all across Africa, many of whom are orphaned.  By providing them with quality healthcare, good food to eat and a safe place to live they are enabling them to get an education.  
When you buy one of our products you are helping to cover every single expense necessary for supporting these girls in their pursuit of an education.    Health care, food, housing, utilities, transportation, support staff, school fees, clothing, uniforms, toiletries, school supplies, books and more are completely paid for - all thanks to you!

Why a key necklace and patch?

In Uganda children often wear a key on a string around their neck.  They each have a small lock box to hold all of their belongings.  On their school uniform they are required to wear a patch with a crest identifying which school they attend.  We include a patch in every order that is based off of the ones that the girls wear.  Each school has their own motto and we borrowed one that says "Be known for good work."  When you wear your necklace or patch you can think of the young girls in Africa who are wearing theirs and be reminded of the difference you are making.

"No one has yet realized the wealth of sympathy, the kindness and generosity hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to unlock that treasure."

-Emma Goldman


1) FOLLOW both @proofeyewear@unlockhope

2) TAG 3 friends on the IG post that looks like this:

3) BONUS POINT: Show us how you're saving or changing ​this planet! Post a photo, tag both companies & use the hashtag #unlockproof. Winner announced Monday

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