#ProofFrontierProject || Andrew Adkins

Posted on by Lance Williams

When I've been in one place too long my body and mind start to rebel - sometimes it's as subtle as an extra relentless tapping of my heel while I'm sitting at my computer, or increasingly frequent walks outside that leave me baffled with their seeming pointlessness. I have to focus this energy somehow and taking photos really helps me to act purposefully and have direction in my travels. Years ago, I asked the best photographer I’ve ever known for his most important piece of advice. I expected some technical advice or lens recommendation, but then he told me, “Just look for the light… objects are meaningless.” I not only found out that this is great advice for photography, but an important mantra to remind myself of as often as I can, and it really drives everything I do now. I spend a lot of time in the wild because that’s where I can find the light even at times when it seems scarce. Salt Lake City has been a great epicenter for my life and is where you will find me when the restlessness has been subdued for a little while.

Instagram: @andadki



Posted under: #prooffrontierproject

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