#ProofFrontierProject || Abby Stanford
Posted on by Vierra Reid

Abby Stanford contributed to our latest #ProofFrontierProject. Here's what she had to say about the experience:
I have no gift with words at all, in fact I'm kind of tongue-tied most of the time, but meeting up with Courtney from 114 West blog was like connecting with an old friend. We were both shedding tears of laughter by mid photoshoot. Courtney and I had connected over email to set up the shoot but were meeting for the first time in person, which was a bit interesting especially since I really wanted her to feel natural and candid in the photos - I quickly realized this wouldn't be a problem. We met in the heart of Whitefish, a ski town in NW Montana, Courtney's hometown. Whitefish's downtown area is filled with one of a kind shops, cute cafes, and lots of ski bums wondering the streets.We headed into the Toggery where they dressed Courtney head to toe in this seasons latest winter fashions - all of which had to meet Courtney's expectations of "being able to wear them all day." She believes in finding functionality in fashion. Outfits that real people can comfortably wear all day.We wandered around town to a few famous spots including The Bull Dog, the Amtrak train station, and the local hang out, Great Northern Brewing Company. The brewery has gorgeous window lighting and with it being 10am mid week we had the place to ourselves - thanks Marcus! We even saw a few friendly faces through out the morning including Courtney's dad driving by in his pick up truck - I love small towns. Aside from almost eating it several times on the slippery sidewalk the shoot went smoothly. We even had a fresh dusting of snow the night before, just enough to make me look up to the towering ski runs above me and drool. There is a reason this town stole my heart 3 years ago.
Three years ago is when I started spending my winters in Whitefish photographing for Great Northern Powder Guides - Montana's only cat skiing operation. Growing up in Calgary and having Banff as my backyard seemed impossible to beat, but heading towards the Tetons for university turned this city girl into a small mountain town girl. When I'm not based out of Whitefish I'm traveling the globe on a photo assignment or back in Calgary wishing I was in MT.
Here is what her intern Lisa has to say about Abby:
Abby Stanford is a professional photographer by trade but adventurer at heart. Accompanied by her dog, Driggs, Abby spends her days traveling to the back country for that unframed moment in time. Her unique skills allow her to slip into mother nature unnoticed and capture something only a photograph will tell.